Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Ethical Nationalism of India - Another Social Reform Movement

Ethical Nationalism of India - Another Social Reform Movement

Introduction - Need for another social reform movement
    The social issues of our nation is very much extended and we must understand the ramification which can cause in the future affecting the generations that yet to come.  The issues are not ideal in nature but imbued with the various characteristics of our heterogeneous nation. These are tailor made issues which are different among nation-states. The evolutionary path of India after 1947, when self government was realized is largely indifferent in terms of any expected administrative reforms. However plight of the citizen has been improving in snail speed since then but it is not in synchronous with the momentum of economic and strategic growth of our nation. Such an imbalance may create a situation in which majority of the citizens in future will be treated as burden, not as an asset. Poverty, crime and violence towards women, child and minorities, corruption, internal security issues, social backwardness like inequality, discrimination, alcoholism and drug use are name a few from the prevailing social issues in our country. Despite all the efforts of Government, the holistic development is still far away from the main stream. Here comes the importance of imparting moral and ethical education to our brothers and sisters.
Concept of Ethical Nationalism in India and social issues
     We have seen so many kind of nationalism throughout in the Indian History like cultural nationalism, political nationalism, economic nationalism etc. Obviously the various aspects of nationalism helped India to assemble and achieve together the goal at national level for a common big issue, Imperialism. So what is required for the contemporary social issues which pull the society from the mainstream? Social development which subsumed all other nationalism has to be read in conjunction with "ethical nationalism" for the practical elimination of the constraints in our society. The term ethical connotes moral principles that guide a person’s righteous behavior has to be emerged as one of the pillars of social development. And ethical nationalism refers to the great philosophical ethical culture of India include vedas, Upanishads, teachings of Buddha and Mahavira, moral understanding of scriptures of all religions. India is the Spiritual Capital of the world where co-exists various religions together in mutual harmony and holds the moral principles which emphasized in all religious scriptures. This make us understand in having an ethical nationalism which was missed out way back in the history when the interpretation of scriptures taken in other way. The concept ethical nationalism is different from Spiritual nationalism, infact, the former needs more attention on moral and righteous behavior of an individual. Here the term Ethical nationalism is to be popularized by spreading the ethical consciousness among the public through the knowledge infrastructure, NGOs and various other Civil society organizations of the country. The crux of ethical nationalism is such a consciousness among the public may exclude ones possibility of slipping into unethical ways and means. Thus ethical nationalism will unify our diverse plural society into a commonness feeling that will safeguard the society for a long run. Spread of ethical nationalism can be done with nurturing good quality education.
What can be done to promote ethical nationalism?
    Performance of a nation depends on the effective use of its resources and resources to be used effectively with the help of good and positive thoughts. And such a thought can be delivered only by means of the knowledge framework of the nation.  Imparting knowledge to the society is similar with the parting of ignorance from the society. A good teacher makes so many good students. As in the World Bank report, teacher-student ratio of India is 35 during 2011. So ideally, one good teacher generates 35 good citizens which inturn spreads ethical consciousness to their surroundings. The ratio is 35 times effective it means. If a replacement of a inept teacher with an efficient , that will benefit for 35 times ! See the power of a teacher. The point here is the quality of teaching in our educational infrastructure. As a wide known fact, it is not the expected level to drive a nation which stood second place in the gross population. Level of educational infrastructure and teacher pupil ration to be developed along with the incorporation of innovative measures in National Educational Policy like ethical nationalism ideology, recruitment of teachers through Civil Service Examination conducted by UPSC  such that the quality of the teachers should not be compromised at any cost. Existing teaching faculties' quality has to be re checked by State Government and necessary up gradation has to be provided on timely basis. Recent Allahabad HC order to improve the quality of state run educational institutions in UP and frequent news on pseudo teachers and teachers those do not teach has  to be viewed in parallel to the necessity of reforming the education framework of our country.
    The issues of such a wide pluralistic society can be dealt with ethical nationalism which will popularize the moral values that determines the righteous behavior of a person within the society and a sense of ethical consciousness will help the country to balance with its economic and political development for a long run. Here the spreading of ethical nationalism must under the command of qualified and dedicated teachers. Definitely a feeling of commonness will be generated in this pluralistic society with this ethical nationalistic feeling which will mobilize a movement for a solution to all social issues spearheaded by the qualified teachers who will impart moral /ethical values into our modern society.

Viswaraj BR - Intellectual Property

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Natural regulation of the religious beliefs


As I know more about the Indian religious history , I would like to restrict my words within the geographical area of the India. The concept which I am going to talk here is cross linked with several historical, geographical, philosophical and psychological characteristics of The Great Indian People. So the level of dictation would be very high in respect of understanding for you. Listen carefully and you are requested to post back me the understanding that you got after reading this.

Geographical structure and position of India narrates the elasticity of the region in the context of broad minded acceptance of the inevitable law of the Nature i.e the Change. Yes, such a broad mindedness of the Great Indian People can be recognized to some extend for the fatalist mentality of the strong culture which have trustworthiness, loyalty, uniqueness, purity and rational concept derived out by the extreme intelligentsia of then period esp in the Rig Vedic period. Such a back bone of Indian culture was started corroding with the assumption of power and wealth to a particular class in the society. However as a divine grace, the reason for the highly secular character in India could be as a gift of the nature (geographical virtue) or the greatness in the culture of ancient civilizations or could be the good mindedness of the Indians.

to be continued.........Sorry as the time for today for sharing my thoughts is over...See you tomorrow. bye.Take care while walking or driving in the roads....OK..

Saturday, August 8, 2015

In the second half of 18th Century Bengal was a plundered as well as a sponsoring state. Explain

Bengal which was having a significant position in British trade and conquest policies in India had shown flavors of exploitation which started during the second half of the 18th century. The geographical beneficial of the Bengal region and the strategic position made the location attractive to the one who had  a magnificent naval force and the absence of Portuguese , French in the north eastern region led the British East India Company to fix their roots and started to juice out the nourishment of the  region during the Mughal rule. 

The East India Company were able to convince the then rulers of Bengal and secured the right to trade. Later on we have seen the changes in the policy of the company which ultimately paved the opening of the doors of supremacy and then exploitation. Two battles , Battle of Plassey and Buxar really firmed the fist of the Company over Nawab in Bengal. As a result of this, the granting of rights of Nizamat and Diwani was given to British Company. The company marked the introduction of Dual administration which ultimately led to the exploitation and corruption practices within Bengal. A kind of anarchy was going on the Bengal region made the position of Nawab a bit difficult as he owed the company. British had imposed heavy taxes in agriculture lead to the misery of farmers life; this was evidenced well in the famine of 1770s. The company plundered the region during this time to make benefit to establish an administrative sovereignty over the region and spike in the industrial revolution in England, destruction of cottage industries in Bengal, vetti (forced labour and less pay) for cultivation of cash crops upon the interest of Britain Company. The destruction of Jute industries and deficit in balance of payment also as a result of this plundering effect.

However after all these, or in parallel to some extend, we would say that in Bengal, the battles which helped to get sovereignty whereas in other areas, the policy changed was to make control with the help of sovereignty of British Company in Bengal. We have seen in ancient and medieval India, that the rulers are based in one area and then expands the empire. Similarly here also we can see the British empire conquered Bengal as base and they started sponsoring to other areas.

Since the intention of the company was to exploit through trade , the nature of the sponsoring was also similar to that. As a diverse country in resources, India was gifted with so many diversified crops and raw materials and this prompted the East India Company to widen their arms to other areas to grab more. Money was flowing from Bengal where the Company exported maximum raw materials and imported finished products and high taxes to other areas for the development of infrastructure like Railways, factories etc.  One thing to be mentioned here is wherever the company faces difficulty in expanding their trade, they adopted the policy of conquest through war and treaties. We have seen how the Company immersed the Maratha and Mysore kingdom into depth of the history. All these happenings were based on the British governor controlled Bengal and he was elevated to Governor General of India for this policy. The plundering of Bengal was necessary for the British to sponsor other areas to expand for the expansion of their trade or we can conclude that the money resulted in the plundering of Bengal was used to sponsor other areas to expand company's trade and the hindrances which they faced were suppressed with the conquest policies.


Saturday, July 25, 2015

Origin of Earth - Simple Concept


We have been taught about Big Bang Theory , theory of nebulae etc. But all those theories are imaginary and not have a clear logic or evidence. The concept which I describes here is working and simple.

All complex processes in this universe can be equated to simple processes. So if we analyze the simple things in order to unfold the complex concept, the picture will be clear.

The relation between size of an animal with its extinction character to be seen first of all. We know, Dinosaurs were living in Jurassic era approx 150 million years ago. So far we know that this was the largest animal ever exists in the earth. In Fig lets us take them in the middle. Long before that life starts and at that time climatic conditions were conducive for the birth to take place. Through the process of generation and evolution, the time reached Jurassic era. I would tell that the animal or plant species which was there in the start was found in the Jurassic era. You see, What about today? Largest animal in land Elephant lives here along with Human and other aquatic and bacterial organisms. That means there is a co existence of all species from start till end. The microorganisms once formed , still exists and will be there till the death of all living organisms. So the discussion line is all the species were there during Jurassic period like what is of today.

I have talked about the relationship that exists between Size of an organism with its extinction. Just like the principle behind the elastic rebound theory of the earth structural formation, the natural tendency of the process system is to decline the organism which exceed their size. The law is that the system declines the organism species once it exceeds the size. Life begins 3800 million years ago and max sized animal originated 150 million years back. But since then the size of the animals starts declining. You see why no big animals after Dinosaurs? Now time of elephants has reached and they are one of the endangered species in the earth awaiting for their time to come. Believe it or not, this is a cycle of concept. So we have seen that the life span of earth at its maximum was during the Jurassic era. And the process is moving towards extinction of species which will be aided by external factors like global warming, pollution etc.

So after 3800 million years, there will not be any life in this earth and the climatic factors like rainfall, solar radiations, wind etc will start weakening. This is because, due to the absence of plant and animals, esp plants, the heat in the earth will increase and this lead to the drying up of ocean water completely, and everywhere high temperature exists , because of the same temperature, pressure difference will not happen and wind flow ceases which resulted into concentration of heat in a particular area for a long time and this ultimately melts the earth with the help of the ever burning inside of the earth. Now the earth is in semisolid shape and when it reaches sun, complete solid melts. Since all the earth surface is absent, this will decrease the weight of the earth and causes the increase in the velocity of the earth's revolution. So heavy speed and in liquid stage of mass, will be shattered into several bigger drops in the space, which obtains spherical in shape as the liquid always tries to obtain its shape spherical when throws in the air. So earth will split into several small planets or asteroids and start revolve around the same sun. So we have seen the death of the earth. And this is the reason of the origin of earth. Earth and other planets originated in the universe because the heat from the sun on moving away from it condenses into liquid form first, at this time, due to high velocity , the liquid got scattered in the solar system and occupies spherical in shape. Thus planets formed in the universe.

* the views expressed here is completely the authors view only and not supported by any scientific evidences. This may or may not be correct and the author is not responsible for whatsoever for the interpretation the reader has.