Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Natural regulation of the religious beliefs


As I know more about the Indian religious history , I would like to restrict my words within the geographical area of the India. The concept which I am going to talk here is cross linked with several historical, geographical, philosophical and psychological characteristics of The Great Indian People. So the level of dictation would be very high in respect of understanding for you. Listen carefully and you are requested to post back me the understanding that you got after reading this.

Geographical structure and position of India narrates the elasticity of the region in the context of broad minded acceptance of the inevitable law of the Nature i.e the Change. Yes, such a broad mindedness of the Great Indian People can be recognized to some extend for the fatalist mentality of the strong culture which have trustworthiness, loyalty, uniqueness, purity and rational concept derived out by the extreme intelligentsia of then period esp in the Rig Vedic period. Such a back bone of Indian culture was started corroding with the assumption of power and wealth to a particular class in the society. However as a divine grace, the reason for the highly secular character in India could be as a gift of the nature (geographical virtue) or the greatness in the culture of ancient civilizations or could be the good mindedness of the Indians.

to be continued.........Sorry as the time for today for sharing my thoughts is over...See you tomorrow. bye.Take care while walking or driving in the roads....OK..

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